Teaching at UT OLLI

Who are our speakers?

UT OLLI faculty and presenters are composed of faculty members from the University of Texas at Austin, other local universities and colleges, professionals in the Central Texas area, and subject area specialists found among UT OLLI membership.


Who chooses our speakers?

Each UT OLLI program has curriculum committees that select speakers. Proposals submitted online are directed to the UT OLLI Director and forwarded to the UT OLLI Curriculum Coordinator to pitch to the appropriate curriculum committee.

If you are interested in teaching at UT OLLI:

Submit A Proposal




Are speakers compensated?

All speakers volunteer their time to organize, prepare, and deliver presentations. Speakers benefit from sharing information, experiences, and expertise with uniquely engaged audience members. UT OLLI membership conscientiously works to acknowledge the commitment of these special volunteers and express appreciation for their contributions.

  • Reserved parking is provided for each speaker at the Thompson Conference Center during scheduled presentations.
  • Presenters who serve as a seminar director are recognized as an invited guest at end-of-session socials.
  • Speakers are encouraged to sell their original works after a lecture or seminar. Books by authors, CDs from musicians, and even works of art may be made available for sale through special arrangement with the UT OLLI office.
  • On occasion, honoraria or grants to colleges, department or other entities are provided, in accordance with university policies, procedures, and guidelines.



What has UT OLLI Online meant for speakers?

Virtual learning has opened doors for UT OLLI to seek speakers located beyond central Austin! To bring expanded content to our members, our staff and volunteers coordinate scheduling and personalized training to accommodate remote presentation opportunities. Please reach out for more information or submit a proposal.

Check out the following document for tips and guidance on what to expect when presenting to UT OLLI via Zoom:

Best Practices for Online

Click on the following document for more details on presenting to UT OLLI in-person at the Thompson Conference Center:

Best Practices for On-Campus