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Frequently Asked Questions about UT OLLI Osher Online

What is Osher Online?
  • UT OLLI has partnered with the Osher National Recourse Center at Northwestern University to offer the Osher Online program: online classes that supplement our own UT OLLI curriculum.
  • Only 37 OLLI institutes are participating in Osher Online to provide these classes exclusive to OLLI members.
What are the classes? 
  • Each Osher Online class are presented once a week for 6 weeks via the Zoom video conference platform in a Meeting format.
  • Click on the button below to review the catalog of upcoming Osher Online classes:

Osher Online Catalog

How much does it cost?
  • Each Osher Online class is priced at $65.00
How do I register for Osher Online classes as a UT OLLI member?
  1. Log in to UT OLLI Member Website HERE.
  2. On the UT OLLI Home Page, locate the announcement banner that reads “Osher Online Sign Up is now Open”
  3. On the listing of available classes, click the checkboxes in the left-most column to select which ones you are looking to pay for and attend.
  4. “Save All Selections and Pay By Credit Card”
  5. Confirm the amount and pay by Credit Card.
What should I expect after registration?
  • Osher Online will be in contact via email to provide log-in credentials to osheronline.net, the one-stop-shop to access to class Zoom links, syllabi, discussion boards, and download supplemental materials.

    Note: Please log on 10-15 minutes before the start of each class to allow ample time to troubleshoot or get support tech support from the NRC team. 
  • Actions after sign-up/registration require contacting the UT OLLI office to:
    • Drop out or requesting refunds (minus 3% of payment) are only available until the close of a session's registration period.
    • Adding more classes is dependent on class availability and until 3 business days prior to class start. The UT OLLI office can process the additional payment via credit card transaction over the phone.

"I am glad to be able to access a wide range of topics and instructors through the Osher Online program. The fact that I can participate in the Osher Online program really broadens my options. Thank you!"

"The courses I have taken through Osher Online offer a wide range of classes. I enjoy the interactions with the instructors in class discussions and their knowledge of their topic. The moderators have all been very helpful and knowledgeable. I look forward to many more Osher Online courses."

-feedback from participating institutes for OOL End of Term Survey, Fall 2023